Wallpapers are not as common as they used to be, but they are making a comeback. As a result our recent project involved wallpapering in Guildford.
Wallpapering in Britain dates back to the 17th century. Traditionally, people use to decorate small rooms and boxes with wallpaper. As wallpapers became more fashionable in the century, people started decorating their walls. Initially, stationers created wallpapers. The manufacturing process has changed over time. Wallpapers begin printing by printing press. This has been the case until the first machines have been developed to take over the process. The first wallpaper printing machine was produced in 1840. Since it was a more expensive process, it was only possible to print one colour a day. By contrast, machine printing allowed for more creative flexibility. Printing of the wallpaper has taken up a lot of space. The technological advance has made the process much faster and easier today.
If you like our wallpapering project in Guildford, and are thinking of installing wallpaper in your home. Don’t hesitate and contact us for a free quote.
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References : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxgblLFcP-I&ab_channel=DesignInsider